尽管对与所使用的 UI 框架紧密耦合的绑定有很多支持,但您仍然可以轻松编写自己的绑定框架。
这是一个 POC,它实现了两个对象的属性之间的单向绑定。
注意:这只是可能的方法之一,充其量是 POC(可能需要针对高性能/生产场景进行微调)并使用 .Net 2.0 类和接口,不依赖于任何 UI 框架('vanilla'.net用你的话来说框架:))。一旦你理解了这一点,你就可以轻松地扩展它以支持 2-way binding
class Program
public static void Main()
Source src = new Source();
Destination dst = new Destination(src);
dst.Name = "Destination";
dst.MyValue = -100;
src.Value = 50; //changes MyValue as well
src.Value = 45; //changes MyValue as well
//A way to provide source property to destination property
//mapping to the binding engine. Any other way can be used as well
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]
internal class BindToAttribute : Attribute
public string PropertyName
private set;
//Allows binding of different properties to different sources
public int SourceId
private set;
public BindToAttribute(string propertyName, int sourceId)
PropertyName = propertyName;
SourceId = sourceId;
//INotifyPropertyChanged, so that binding engine knows when source gets updated
internal class Source : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int _value;
public int Value
return _value;
if (_value != value)
_value = value;
Console.WriteLine("Value is now: " + _value);
void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
internal class Destination
private BindingEngine<Destination> _binder;
private int _myValue;
[BindTo("Value", 1)]
public int MyValue
return _myValue;
_myValue = value;
Console.WriteLine("My Value is now: " + _myValue);
//No mapping defined for this property, hence it is not bound
private string _name;
public string Name
return _name;
_name = value;
Console.WriteLine("Name is now: " + _name);
public Destination(Source src)
//Binder for Source no 1
_binder = new BindingEngine<Destination>(this, src, 1);
internal class BindingEngine<T>
private readonly T _destination;
private readonly PropertyDescriptorCollection _sourceProperties;
private readonly Dictionary<string, PropertyDescriptor> _srcToDestMapping;
public BindingEngine(T destination, INotifyPropertyChanged source, int srcId)
_destination = destination;
//Get a list of destination properties
PropertyDescriptorCollection destinationProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(destination);
//Get a list of source properties
_sourceProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(source);
//This is the source property to destination property mapping
_srcToDestMapping = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDescriptor>();
//listen for INotifyPropertyChanged event on the source
source.PropertyChanged += SourcePropertyChanged;
foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in destinationProperties)
//Prepare the mapping.
//Add those properties for which binding has been defined
var attribute = (BindToAttribute)property.Attributes[typeof(BindToAttribute)];
if (attribute != null && attribute.SourceId == srcId)
_srcToDestMapping[attribute.PropertyName] = property;
void SourcePropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if (_srcToDestMapping.ContainsKey(args.PropertyName))
//Get the destination property from mapping and update it
_srcToDestMapping[args.PropertyName].SetValue(_destination, _sourceProperties[args.PropertyName].GetValue(sender));