Possible Duplicate:
Declaring an array of unknown size
I'm working in Java and I am trying to input a sentence into a string array. I am tokenizing it and determining the word count. However, I need to add each word into a string array in order to determine if there are duplicates or not. I am not sure how to initialize my array if I don't know the word count until later in the program.
//Declares variables
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
int withoutdup = 0, wordCount = 0;
String line, word;
StringTokenizer tokenizer;
List<String> sentence = ArrayList<String>;
//Asks user for input
System.out.println ("Please enter text. Enter DONE to finish.");
line = scan.next();
//Tokenizes the string and counts the number of character and words
while (!line.equals("DONE"))
tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (line);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
word = tokenizer.nextToken();
sentence += word;
line = scan.next();