Person 类存储学生姓名,但接受 Person 姓名的是 Student 类构造函数。
假设 Person 中没有任何方法可以更新变量方法...例如 subClassVar = setSuperClassVar();
public class Person
private String name; //holds the name of the person
private boolean mood; //holds the mood happy or sad for the person
private int dollars; //holds their bank account balance
class Student extends Person //I also have a tutor class that will extend Person as well
private String degreeMajor //holds the var for the student's major they have for their degree
Public Student(String startName, int startDollars, boolean startMood, String major)
degreeMajor = major; // easily passed to the Student class
name = startName; //can't pass cause private in super class?
mood = startMood; //can't pass cause private in super class?
dollars = startDollars; // see above comments
// or I can try to pass vars as below as alternate solution...
setName() = startName; // setName() would be a setter method in the superclass to...
// ...update the name var in the Person Superclass. Possible?
setMood() = startMood; // as above
// These methods do not yet exist and I am only semi confident on their "exact"...
// ...coding to make them work but I think I could manage.
关于我被允许对 Person 的超类进行多少更改,家庭作业的说明有点模糊,所以如果你们都相信一个良好的、可靠的行业接受的解决方案涉及更改超类,我会这样做。
我看到的一些可能的例子是让 Person 类中的私有变量“受保护”,或者在 person 类中添加 setMethods() 然后在子类中调用它们。