使用 JavaScript 有点矫枉过正:):
var price = ['4','5','8','12']
var produce = ['kiwi','orange','apple','banana']
var stock = ['yes','no','no','yes']
// if the lengths/size of the above arrays are the same
var store = [];
for(var i = 0, len = price.length; i < len; i++) {
store.push([price[i], produce[i], stock[i]]);
// if the lengths/size of the above arrays aren't the same and you want the minimum full entries
var storeMin = [];
for(var i = 0, len = Math.min(price.length, produce.length, stock.length); i < len; i++) {
storeMin.push([price[i], produce[i], stock[i]]);
// if the lenghts/size of the above arrays aren't the same and you want the maximum entries with defaulting missing values to null
// replace the nulls by any default value want for that column
var storeMax = [];
for(var i = 0, pLen = price.length, prLen = produce.length, sLen = stock.length, len = Math.max(pLen, prLen, sLen); i < len; i++) {
storeMax.push([pLen>i?price[i]:null, prLen>i?produce[i]:null, sLen>i?stock[i]:null]);