通过使用 COALESCE,我可以创建一个名为 comment_votes 的临时变量,如下所示:
SELECT comments.*, COALESCE(rs_reputations.value, 0) AS comment_votes FROM `comments`
LEFT JOIN rs_reputations ON comments.id = rs_reputations.target_id AND
rs_reputations.target_type = 'Comment' AND rs_reputations.reputation_name =
'comment_votes' AND rs_reputations.active = 1 WHERE (impression_id = 1)
SELECT comments.*, COALESCE(rs_reputations.value, 0) AS comment_votes
FROM 'comments'
LEFT JOIN rs_reputations ON
comments.id = rs_reputations.target_id AND
rs_reputations.target_type = 'Comment' AND
rs_reputations.reputation_name = 'comment_votes' AND
rs_reputations.active = 1
SELECT comments.*, COALESCE(rs_reputations.value, 0) AS impression_votes
FROM 'comments'
LEFT JOIN rs_reputations ON
comments.id = rs_reputations.target_id AND
rs_reputations.target_type = 'Comment' AND
rs_reputations.reputation_name = 'impression_votes' AND
rs_reputations.active = 1
You have an error in your SQL syntax
我正在尝试的甚至可能吗?如果是这样,我似乎不正确地桥接了两个 SELECT/COALESCE 语句。我该怎么写这个?