我正在尝试使用中继器字段(ACF 插件)的图像显示多个 div。

例如,带有图像 1 的 Div 1 -带有图像 2 的 Div 2 - 等等...


<div id="project" class="item">
     <a href="#">
        <img src="img/project1.jpg" alt="project1" width="240" height="173">
     <div class="art_title">
         <p>SWEET LIFE #1</p>
     <div class="mask"></div>

所以,通过我显示所有图像的 html 重复它,但现在我将它集成到 wordpress 中,我有以下问题:


<?php  $slides = get_field('project_thumbnails');  
        // Grabs the array      
       // Check if there is any data in the array before looping
         if($slides) {     
            //we need to close this div
           echo '<div id="project_slider" class="item">';     
           foreach($slides as $s) {  
                  echo '<div class="aimagediv" >'; //adding the start tag of the div
                  echo '<a href="#">';          
                  echo '<img src="'.$s['project_thumb'].'" alt="" />';
                  echo '</a>';
                  echo '</div>'; //CLOSING THE DIV JUST ADDED     
                  echo '<div class="art_title">';        
                  echo '<p>SWEET LIFE2</p>';        
                  echo '</div>';        
                  echo '<div class="mask">';        
                  echo '</div>';  

                  echo '</div>'; //closing the first div,not sure if you want this, its optional

?>  <?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?> 

我得到了中继器的图像,但它显示在同一个 div 中,它不会创建一个新的 div id=¨project"。所以它显示如下:

并且在页面上创建的标记就像所有图像都在同一个 div 中一样。

<div id="project" class="item">
     <a href="#">
        <img src="img/project1.jpg" alt="project1" width="240" height="173">
        <img src="img/project1.jpg" alt="project1" width="240" height="173">
     <div class="art_title">
         <p>SWEET LIFE #1</p>
     <div class="mask"></div>



1 回答 1

<?php  $slides = get_field('project_thumbnails');  
        // Grabs the array      
       // Check if there is any data in the array before looping
         if($slides) {     
            //we need to close this div
           foreach($slides as $s) {  
                  echo '<div id="project_slider" class="item">';     
                  echo '<div class="aimagediv" >'; //adding the start tag of the div
                  echo '<a href="#">';          
                  echo '<img src="'.$s['project_thumb'].'" alt="" />';
                  echo '</a>';
                  echo '</div>'; //CLOSING THE DIV JUST ADDED     
                  echo '<div class="art_title">';        
                  echo '<p>SWEET LIFE2</p>';        
                  echo '</div>';        
                  echo '<div class="mask">';        
                  echo '</div>';  
                  echo '</div>'; //closing the first div,not sure if you want this, its optional

?>  <?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?> 
于 2012-10-17T13:43:31.517 回答