我遇到了同样的问题并得到了同样的错误。我要做的是创建一个中间目标/库。中间目标和最终目标都有自己的库名称,因此 SCons 不会混淆。
env.SharedLibrary(target = 'namePreStrip', source = 'yourSource')
env.Command(target = 'name', source = 'namePreStrip', 'objcopy...')
我使用 objcopy 从几个库中构建了一个库。这是我实现的实际源代码:
# Build an object file out of several other source files, objects, and libraries
# Optionally execute objcopy on the resulting library, depending if objcopyFlags
# has been populated
# env - SCons Environment used to build, Mandatory arg
# target - resulting library name, without LIBPREFIX and LIBSUFFIX, ej 'nsp2p',
# Mandatory arg
# sourceFiles - list of '.cc' files that will be compiled and included in the
# resulting lib, Optional arg
# objects - list of already compiled object files to be included in resulting lib,
# Optional arg
# libraries - list of libraries to be included in resulting lib, Optional arg
# objcopyFlags - list of flags to pass to objcopy command. objcopy will only
# be executed if this list is populated, Optional arg
# One of [sourceFiles, objects, or libraries] must be specified, else nothing
# will be performed
# Not using a custom builder because I dont like the way SCons prints the
# entire command each time its called, even if its not going to actually
# build anything AND I need more method args than provided by custom builders
def buildWholeArchive(self, env, target, sourceFiles, objects, libraries, objcopyFlags):
if len(sourceFiles) == 0 and len(objects) == 0 and len(libraries) == 0:
print "Incorrect use of buildWholeArchive, at least one of [sourceFiles | objects | librarires] must be specified, no build action will be performed"
return None
# Compile each source file
objNodes = []
if len(sourceFiles) > 0:
objNodes = env.Object(source = sourceFiles)
cmdList = []
cmdList.append('-nostdlib -r -o $TARGET -Wl,--whole-archive')
for obj in objNodes:
for obj in objects:
for lib in libraries:
cmd = ' '.join(cmdList)
libTarget = '%s%s%s' % (env['LIBPREFIX'], target, env['LIBSUFFIX'])
if len(objcopyFlags) > 0:
# First create the library, then run objcopy on it
objTarget = '%s%s_preObjcopy%s' % (env['LIBPREFIX'], target, env['LIBSUFFIX'])
preObjcopyTarget = env.Command(target = objTarget, source = [], action = cmd)
env.Depends(preObjcopyTarget, [objNodes, sourceFiles, objects, libraries])
objCmdList = [env['OBJCOPY']]
objCmdList.append('$SOURCE $TARGET')
objcopyCmd = ' '.join(objCmdList)
archiveTarget = env.Command(target = libTarget, source = preObjcopyTarget, action = objcopyCmd)
# Just create the library
archiveTarget = env.Command(target = libTarget, source = [], action = cmd)
env.Depends(archiveTarget, [objNodes, sourceFiles, objects, libraries])
return archiveTarget
sourceFiles = ['file1.cc', 'file2.cc']
libSource = []
if 'OcteonArchitecture' in env:
objcopy = []
if 'OcteonArchitecture' in env:
'--redefine-sym calloc=ns_calloc',
'--redefine-sym free=ns_free',
'--redefine-sym malloc=ns_malloc',
'--redefine-sym realloc=ns_realloc'])
archiveTarget = clonedEnv.buildWholeArchive(target = libName,
sourceFiles = sourceFiles,
objects = [],
libraries = libSource,
objcopyFlags = objcopy)
env.Alias('libMyLib', archiveTarget)