Hello everyone and thanks for your time.
Introduction to the problem: Basically the main problem is that I'm designing an android tablet application and I don't know exactly which is the best way to implement the kind of design I've been thinking about. I've been reading that is possible to use another platforms apart of Android, like OpenGL or HTML, but I don't actually know how to do it and if its necessary.
What do I attempt to do? I didn't know how to explain exactly which is my idea using words so I decided to prepare a small image about it, here it is:
So, the idea is to drag&drop the buttons to the color square, and detect if they are colliding, if that happens, start an event. Then all the buttons are going to be ordered again by themselves.
Which is the question then? I'm new at android, and I have no idea which is the best way to start implementing this, if I should bet for OpenGL or program directly in android. And in both cases, which is the best way START CREATING something like this?
Last things: I want to make clear something, just in case: This IS NOT any school work that someone asked me to do, I'm doing it by my own. I'm NOT ASKING PEOPLE TO DO MY WORK I'm just asking your opinion and asking for help and guidance about how to start managing this. (so I want your professional opinion, not any single line of code) :D
Thank you very much to you all. :)