{{#each myCollection}}
<div id="{{this.Name}}">{{this.Name}} </div>
<select id="ddpFilter" >
<option value="10">Show 10</option>
<option value="50">Show 50</option>
{{#each myCollection}}
<div id="{{this.Name}}">{{this.Name}} </div>
<select id="ddpFilter" >
<option value="10">Show 10</option>
<option value="50">Show 50</option>
查看Backbone Collections中的first() Underscore 方法。这是一个如何与模板结合的示例:first()
// Number of items to show from the collection. Set this and re-render when you
// want to show 50.
limit: 10,
// Notice I switched myCollection to items. Backbone collections aren't directly
// iterable, but their underscore methods (like first(n)) return vanilla
// iterable Arrays
template: Handlebars.compile("{{#each items}} {{this.Name}} {/each}}"),
render: function() {
// Pass a truncated Array into the template to keep it logicless and Mustachy
items: myCollection.first(this.limit)