I'm trying to wrap my head around how to write an algorithm to sort a linked list, but I'm having a hard time coming up with something that will work. What we need to do have a linked list that contains a name in a string, and an int
for hours. After displaying the list and the sum of the hours, we then have to sort the list in ascending order by the hours in a queue. I have the list and all it's functioned stored in a class object, as you will see. I cleared the whole function of what I had in hopes of coming up with a fresh idea but nothing is coming to mind. I initially was going to create a second linked list that had the sorted list, but then I began to wonder if it was possible to sort it within the same list. Here is my code as of posting.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
// OrderedLL class
template<class T>
class OrderedLL
struct NODE
string sName;
int sHours;
NODE *next;
NODE *list;
NODE *rear;
// Constructor
OrderedLL () { list = rear = NULL;}
// Insert item x -------------------------------------
void Insert(string x, int y)
NODE *r;
// Create a new node
r = new(NODE); r->sName = x; r->sHours = y;
r->next = NULL;
// Inserts the item into the list
r->next = list;
list = r;
// Display the linked list --------------------------
void display()
{ NODE *p = list;
while( p != NULL)
{ cout << p->sName << "/" << p->sHours << "-->"; p = p->next;}
cout << "NULL\n";
// Delete x from the linked list --------------------
void DeleteNode(T x)
NODE *p = list, *r = list;
while( p->info != x) {r=p; p=p->next; }
if( p == list)
{ // delete the first node
list = p->next; delete(p);
{ r->next = p->next; delete(p);}
// Sort by hours ------------------------------------
void sortHours()
NODE *p, *q;
// Display the total hours --------------------------
friend T totHours(OrderedLL LL)
NODE *p;
int total = 0;
p = LL.list;
while(p != NULL)
total += p->sHours;
p = p->next;
cout << "Total spending time = " << total << endl;
}; // end of OrderedLL class
int main(void)
// Declare variables
time_t a;
OrderedLL<int> unsortedLL;
OrderedLL<int> sortedLL;
int inHours;
string inName;
// Displays the current time and date
cout << "Today is " << ctime(&a) << endl;
// Asks the user to enter a name and hours 5 times, inserting each entry
// into the queue
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << "Enter name and Time: ";
cin >> inName >> inHours;
unsortedLL.Insert(inName, inHours);
// Displays the unsorted list
cout << "\nWaiting List-->";
// Calls for the function to sort the list into a queue by hours
return 0;
} // End of "main"
As always thanks to anyone who can help