我已经找到了如何在目标 c(非 ARC)中实现单例。
// AppTools.h in my code
@interface AppTools : NSObject {
NSString *className;
@property ( nonatomic, retain ) NSString *className;
+ ( id ) sharedInstance;
@end // AppTools
// AppTools.m in my code
static AppTools *sharedAppToolsInstance = nil;
@implementation AppTools
@synthesize className;
- ( id ) init {
self = [ super init ];
if ( self ) {
className = [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithString: @"AppTools" ];
return self;
} // init
- ( void ) dealloc {
// Should never be called, but just here for clarity really.
[ className release ];
[ super dealloc ];
} // dealloc
+ ( id ) sharedInstance {
@synchronized( self ) {
if ( sharedAppToolsInstance == nil )
sharedAppToolsInstance = [ [ super allocWithZone: NULL ] init ];
return sharedAppToolsInstance;
} // sharedInstance
+ ( id ) allocWithZone: ( NSZone * )zone {
return [ [ self sharedInstance ] retain ];
} // allocWithZone:
- ( id ) copyWithZone: ( NSZone * )zone {
return self;
} // copyWithZone:
- ( id ) retain {
return self;
} // retain
- ( unsigned int ) retainCount {
return UINT_MAX; // denotes an object that cannot be released
} // retainCount
- ( oneway void ) release {
// never release
} // release
- ( id ) autorelease {
return self;
} // autorelease
我想知道如何在 sharedInstance 方法中使用 allocWithZone:。在这方面,allocWithZone: 方法的接收者是 'super' 而 'super' 是 NSObject。虽然返回值是 NSObject 实例,但它被替换为 sharedInstance。