您可以使用 getline 从文件中读取一行。然后,将该行复制到字符串流中,并一次从字符串流中读取一个单词。当流用完行/字时,流将自动停止阅读。
// open file
std::ifstream fin("text.txt");
// 'iterate' through all the lines in the file
unsigned lineCount = 1;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(fin, line))
// print the line number for debugging
std::cout << "Line " << lineCount << '\n';
// copy line into another stream
std::stringstream lineStream(line);
// 'iterate' through all the words in the line
unsigned wordCount = 1;
std::string word;
while (lineStream >> word)
// print the words for debugging
std::cout << '\t' << wordCount++ << ' ' << word << '\n';