I'm working on a wiki and I'm building a community calendar. I'm using the SimpleCalendar extension and I'd like to display the current month, the previous, and next month. The current month feature works fine, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to display the previous and following month
{{#calendar: month=$prevMonth | dayformat=%A | format=%A %B %d %Y }}
{{#calendar: month={{CURRENTMONTH}} | dayformat=%A | format=%A %B %d %Y }}
{{#calendar: month=$nextMonth | dayformat=%A | format=%A %B %d %Y }}
function wfRenderMonth($m,$y,$prefix = '',$query = '',$format = '%e %B %Y',$dayformat = false) {
$thisDay = date('d');
$thisMonth = date('n');
$thisYear = date('Y');
if (!$d = date('w',$ts = mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y))) $d = 7;
$month = wfMsg(strtolower(strftime('%B',$ts)));
//I've been editing these two lines to try to create a variable for the previous and following months
$prevMonth = "strftime(%m - 1)";
$nextMonth = "strftime(%m + 1)";
$days = array();
foreach (array('M','T','W','T','F','S','S') as $i => $day)
$days[] = $dayformat ? wfMsg(strftime($dayformat,mktime(0,0,0,2,$i,2000))) : $day;
$table = "\n{| class=\"month\"\n|- class=\"heading\"\n|colspan=\"7\"|$month\n|- class=\"dow\"\n";
$table .= '|'.join('||',$days)."\n";
if ($d > 1) $table .= "|-".str_repeat("\n| \n",$d-1);
for ($i = $day = $d; $day < 32; $i++) {
$day = $i - $d + 1;
if ($day < 29 or checkdate($m,$day,$y)) {
if ($i%7 == 1) $table .= "\n|-\n";
$t = ($day == $thisDay and $m == $thisMonth and $y == $thisYear) ? ' class="today"' : '';
$ttext = $prefix.trim(strftime($format,mktime(0,0,0,$m,$day,$y)));
$title = Title::newFromText($ttext);
if (is_object($title)) {
$class = $title->exists() ? 'day-active' : 'day-empty';
$url = $title->getFullURL($title->exists() ? '' : $query);
} else $url = $ttext;
$table .= "|$t|[$url <span class='$class'>$day</span>]\n";
return "$table\n|}";
You will have to forgive my noobness. I'm very new to PHP.