firstname lastname id mark
firstname lastname id mark
void DBManager::ReadFile(void){
fstream myfile; /*fstream object that will be used for file input and output operations*/
char* fn; /*pointer to the storage which will hold firstname*/
char* ln; /*pointer to the storage which will hold lastname*/
int id; /*integer var to hold the id*/
float mark; /*float var to hold the mark*/
/*read in the filename*/
g_FileName = new char[1024]; /*allocate memory on the heap to store filename*/
cout << "Please enter the filename:";
cin >> g_FileName;
/*open file*/
myfile.open(g_FileName, ios::in | ios::out);
if(myfile.is_open()){ /*check if the file opening is successful*/
cout << "File reading successful !\n";
/*read information from the file into temporary variables before passing them onto the heap*/
while (!myfile.eof()) {
fn=(char*) new char[1024];
ln=(char*) new char[1024];
myfile >> fn >> ln >> id >> mark;
cout << fn << " " << ln << " " << id << " " << mark << " " << endl;
else{ /*else print error and return*/
上面的代码块有效!:) 但是我很惊讶 myfile 如何知道它应该一次保存一行,以及它如何足够聪明地设置四个变量。
我是 C++ 新手,因此这可能包含在某种文档中。但我很乐意从您那里获得一些见解或链接到我可以更好地理解 fstream 对象的地方。