类型。但是,如果需要,您可以根据需要将数字转换为 Long 使用CLng
Sub get_row_numbers()
Dim rowArray() As String, valRange As Range, valMatch As String
Dim wks As Worksheet, I As Long, strAddress As String
Set wks = Sheets(1)
valMatch = "aa"
With wks
Set valRange = .Range("A1:A11")
Dim strCol As String
strCol = Split(valRange.Address, "$")(1)
'-> capture the column name of the evaluated range
'-> NB -> the method below will fail if a multi column range is selected
With valRange
If Not .Find(valMatch) Is Nothing Then
'-> make sure valMatch exists, otherwise SpecialCells method will fail
.AutoFilter 1, valMatch
Set valRange = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'-> choose only cells where ValMatch is found
strAddress = valRange.Address '-> capture address of found cells
strAddress = Replace(Replace(strAddress, ":", ""), ",", "") '-> remove any commas and colons
strAddress = Replace(strAddress, "$" & strCol & "$", ",") '-> replace $column$ with comma
strAddress = Right(strAddress, Len(strAddress) - 1) '-> remove leading comma
rowArray() = Split(strAddress, ",")
'-> test print
For I = 0 To UBound(rowArray())
Debug.Print rowArray(I)
End If 'If Not .Find(valMatch) Is Nothing Then
End With ' With valRange
End With 'With wks
End Sub