I have recently started learning Python in the MIT class on edX.
However, I have been having some trouble with certain exercises. Here is one of them:
"Write a procedure called oddTuples, which takes a tuple as input, and returns a new tuple as output, where every other element of the input tuple is copied, starting with the first one. So if test is the tuple ('I', 'am', 'a', 'test', 'tuple'), then evaluating oddTuples on this input would return the tuple ('I', 'a', 'tuple'). "
The correct code, according to the lecture, is the following:
def oddTuples(aTup):
aTup: a tuple
returns: tuple, every other element of aTup.
# a placeholder to gather our response
rTup = ()
index = 0
# Idea: Iterate over the elements in aTup, counting by 2
# (every other element) and adding that element to
# the result
while index < len(aTup):
rTup += (aTup[index],)
index += 2
return rTup
However, I have tried to solve it myself in a different way with the following code:
def oddTuples(aTup):
aTup: a tuple
returns: tuple, every other element of aTup.
# Your Code Here
for i in (0,len(aTup)-1):
if i%2==0:
return bTup
However, my solution does not work and I am unable to understand why (I think it should do essentially the same thing as the code the tutors provide).