I have a JSF 2.1 web-application that uses Primefaces 3.1.1. The integration-tests run fine on Tomcat 6, but on an identically configured Tomcat 7 I get the following error:

[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 16.10.2012 15:25:13 com.sun.faces.context.PartialViewContextImpl$PhaseAwareVisitCallback visit
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] SEVERE: java.lang.NullPointerException

No further stacktrace or anything that could hint at the problem (all logging levels set to ALL). I can load the application in the browser, but it does not respond to any input.

I am using Primefaces 3.1.1 and Mojorra 2.1.13. Is this a known issue? What has changed from Tomcat 6 to 7 that could have this effect?

P.S.: I have also tried JBOSS AS 7 with the built-in JSF, which also runs fine.

After some digging around I found that I seem to have stumbled upon this issue. Does anyone have resolution for that?


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