I'm having some problems to configure eclipse with the boost library. Actually my code compile without problems, but eclipse marks me some errors that the compiler does not.

I've added the path of the boost library in the includes of "paths and symbols" settings, and in fact eclipse recognizes the boost namespace, but I got several errors: for example

vector spanning_tree;

it reports as an invalid template arguments. Does anyone had my same problem?

I'm using the last version of eclipse and OS X as operating system.

Thank you


1 回答 1


虽然我没有看到这个特殊问题,但我知道总的来说,Eclipse CDT 不如成熟的 C++ 编译器好,因此不能保证 C++ 的每个方面都正确。

确保您正在运行最新版本的 Eclipse CDT是个好主意。

如果您运行的是最新版本,那么如果您将此报告为错误,Eclipse CDT 开发人员可能会很感激。


于 2012-10-16T12:25:09.237 回答