我有一个具有多个名称相关属性(firstName、lastName、title)的 Person 实体。所有与名称相关的属性都应存储在单个 lucene 索引字段“fullName”中。

public class Person {
   private String firstName;
   private String lastName;
   private String title;

   @Field(store=Store.NO, index=Index.TOKENIZED)
   public String getFullName() {
      return firstName + " " + lastName + " " + title;

我面临的唯一问题是在更新名称相关属性时自动更新索引中的 fullName。

有没有办法告诉 Hibernate Search fullName 是一个组合字段,并且必须在其中一个部分更改时更新?也许是这样的?

@ComposedOf({"firstName", "lastName", "title"})



2 回答 2



  1. 检查属性 _hibernate.search.​enable_dirty_check_ 并确保在您的情况下将其设置为false。默认值为true。有关更多信息,请参阅在线文档 - http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/search/reference/en-US/html_single/
  2. @Field注释也添加到 firstName、lastName 和 title。您会获得更大的索引大小,但通常这并不重要。作为副作用,脏检查将起作用(假设您的 JPA 注释是正确的。例如,我假设 getFullName 是瞬态的)
  3. 使用类桥并可选择删除getFullName。使用类桥也会自动禁用脏检查优化
于 2012-10-16T16:05:16.503 回答
public class Person {
   @Field(name="fullName") String firstName;
   @Field(name="fullName") String lastName;
   @Field(name="fullName") String title;

This is possible as you have chosen TOKENIZED and I'm assuming your analyzer is set to split the tokens on whitespace as you're adding whitespace to separate them: you can have multiple repetitions of a same field, the result is almost the same as splitting the compound terms (I say almost as it won't be able to determine ordering of terms in case you need a PhraseQuery looking for a specific order of keywords).

For more complex cases you would use a ClassBridge which disables the dirty-checking optimisation which has been annoying you in this case: Hibernate Search tracks if any persistent field was actually written to to decide if it can skip expensive reindexing operations but is then unable to detect such tricks.

于 2012-10-16T21:58:36.087 回答