web-dir: %./www/ ; the path to rebol www subdirectory
listen-port: open/lines tcp://:80 ; port used for web connections
buffer: make string! 1024 ; will auto-expand if needed
forever [
http-port: first wait listen-port
while [not empty? client-request: first http-port][
repend buffer [client-request newline]
repend buffer ["Address: " http-port/host newline]
parse buffer ["get" ["http" | "/ " | copy file to " "]]
parse file [thru "." [
"html" (mime: "text/html") |
"txt" (mime: "text/plain")
data: read/binary web-dir/:file
insert data rejoin ["HTTP/1.0 200 OK^/Content-type: " mime "^/^/"]
write-io http-port data length? data
close http-port
http-port: first wait listen-port
http-port: wait listen-port