$ mvn clean compile
[58,30] type parameters of <D,K>D cannot be determined; no unique maximal instance exists for type variable D with upper bounds DS,
也许这个问题是由recursive bounds of generic types
. 正确的?
参考: 泛型在 Eclipse 中编译和运行,但在 javac 中不编译
public static <D extends DataStore<K, T>, K, T extends Persistent> D createDataStore(Class<T> persistent, Properties properties) throws IOException {
try {
return (D) (new HBaseStore<K, T>());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize a datastore", e);
public static <DS extends DataStore<U, P>, U, P extends Persistent> DS createDataStore(Class<P> persistent) throws IOException {
return createDataStore(persistent, null); // ERROR