我想建立一个项目,我可以通过我的 WPF 软件使用数码相机来捕捉照片。所以我只想知道是否有一个 Dll 或代码可以在哪里连接我的数码相机,因为我们使用网络摄像头点击使用 .Net、WPF、C# 的图片


2 回答 2


Firstly it really depends on your camera model, some specific camera do has some driver to turn it into a WebCam, so what you need to do is just code as you are using WebCam, however, if the camera do not have such a driver software, you need to go ahead code in hardware level to really make it happen like you are coding the specific driver for it, and different camera may need different driver which I bet you don't want to do it.

于 2012-10-16T05:44:22.233 回答

This is very vendor-specific and I'd venture a guess that few to no digital cameras support remote operation via USB (or whatever the communication tech is). And even then you'll only be able to target specific Vendor / Model cameras. Using the built-in webcam is the most generalized way to snap photos programmatically.

Try Googling "programmatically control digital camera" ... that'll help you find a little more info.

于 2012-10-16T05:44:23.217 回答