我正在编写一个 Apple 脚本,最终将标记从 EyeTV 导出的所有 iTunes 的广告。但是我遇到了 AppleScript 路径的一个简单问题,EyeTV 应用程序将其作为录制位置返回。这是上下文:

set recordingID to 370404006
set myid to recordingID as integer
tell application "EyeTV"
    set eyetvr_file to get the location of recording id myid as alias
end tell
return eyetvr_file

别名“Macintosh HD2:Documents:EyeTV Archive:South Park.eyetv:000000001613eaa6.eyetvr”

现在我需要提取包含路径和文件前缀 000000001613eaa6(使用这个问题),这样我就可以在文件 000000001613eaa6.edl 中查找相应的商业标记。这是打嗝:

tell application "Finder"
    set eyetv_path to container of eyetvr_file
    set root_name to name of eyetvr_file
    set fext to name extension of eyetvr_file
end tell


eyetv_path:应用程序“Finder”的磁盘“Macintosh HD2”的文件夹“Documents”文件夹“EyeTV Archive”的文档文件“South Park.eyetv”



fext 应该是“.eyetvr”,而不是空字符串。如何从 eyetvr_file 或 root_name 中正确提取“.eyetvr”?我已经尝试了一堆黑客喜欢

set fext to name extension of (eyetvr_file as document)


错误“无法将别名 \"Macintosh HD2:Documents:EyeTV Archive:South Park.eyetv:000000001613eaa6.eyetvr\" 转换为类型文档。” 编号 -1700 从别名“Macintosh HD2:Documents:EyeTV Archive:South Park.eyetv:000000001613eaa6.eyetvr”到文档


2 回答 2


Finder 无法识别所有文件扩展名。不过,您可以只使用文本项分隔符来删除最后一部分。

do shell script "touch /tmp/some.file.eyetvr"
set text item delimiters to "."
tell application "Finder"
    set n to name of file (POSIX file "/tmp/some.file.eyetvr")
    if n contains "." then set n to (text items 1 thru -2 of n) as text
    n -- some.file
end tell
于 2012-10-16T05:26:57.283 回答

迷你评论显然不允许发布代码,所以这是我对 Lauri Ranta 的好解决方案的编辑:

do shell script "touch /tmp/some.file.eyetvr"
set delims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
tell application "Finder"
    set n to name of file (POSIX file "/tmp/some.file.eyetvr")
    if n contains "." then set n to (text items 1 thru -2 of n) as text
    n -- some.file
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delims

当我完成那个项目后,我会发布一个指向 iOS 的 EyeTV-commercial-marking-script-script 的链接。

于 2012-10-16T14:35:29.873 回答