When I call FB.login() with 'publish_stream' as the requested permission, i.e

FB.login( handleLogin, {scope: 'publish_stream'}  );

In the dialog that opens, it only says I'm requesting their basic information, and says nothing about the stream_publish permission.

Is this how its expected to work, and when the user clicks accept, he would give this permission, or do I need to then open a second dialog to request this permission somehow? Any ideas?


1 回答 1


扩展权限,包括publish_stream显示在对话框的第二页上 - 如果用户没有使用您的应用程序,他们必须接受您请求的基本权限(包括您的应用程序发布的项目的隐私选项),然后是第二个页面出现要求扩展权限

于 2012-10-15T22:42:24.433 回答