我正在为 linux 寻找一个好的SERM建模工具。有没有?哪个最好?


1 回答 1


Open ModelSphere may be the lone mature tool that fits the requirements...

  • open source (under GPL)
  • run on Linux: cross platform, actually, since it is Java-based.
  • standard fare for typical modeling tools, including forward and backward engineering and validation.
  • No explicit support for SERM, but ability to introduce new notations. Several of the notations readily included appear to be relatively close to [what I understand] SERM is.

This last point might be the show-stopper... hopefully this suggestion can be be a starting point.

I'm no modeling wizard, merely an occasional user of modeling tools typically included in software development IDEs. Also, I'm not versed in SERM in particular, and unsure of its subtle (or so subtle) differences with other modeling metamodels.
I would typically remain an interested spectator of this type of questions, but in view of the little attention it has received so far (and in view of the +50 bounty, right!) I'm kindly posting the above with the intent of maybe stirring things a bit. I'll be glad to delete this answer, amend it as suggested and otherwise try and help with generating traffic in this direction.
If nothing else, this answer may prompt Anton Bessonov to elaborate a bit on specific uses and capabilities would be relevant to his quest.

于 2012-10-22T17:48:11.510 回答