I am trying to get all the weekdays of the selected Month along with the day like Monday or Tuesday, etc?? How is it possible? is there an inbuilt function that i do not know?

This is in C# 2.0, asp.net using VS 2005


2 回答 2


I make no guarantees about leap years, daylight savings jumps, special days, Shanghai 1927, etc.

public List<DateTime> getWeekdatesandDates(int Month, int Year)
    List<DateTime> weekdays = new List<DateTime>();

    DateTime firstOfMonth = new DateTime(Year, Month, 1);

    DateTime currentDay = firstOfMonth;
    while (firstOfMonth.Month == currentDay.Month)
        DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = currentDay.DayOfWeek;
        if (dayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday && dayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday)

        currentDay = currentDay.AddDays(1);

    return weekdays;

The resultant DateTime objects have a DayOfWeek property which you can check to see if it's Monday through Friday.

于 2012-10-15T20:54:20.760 回答

This should work

private List<DateTime> getWeekDayDates(int month, int year)
    List<DateTime> weekdays = new List<DateTime>();
    DateTime basedt = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
    while ((basedt.Month == month) && (basedt.Year == year))
        if (basedt.DayOfWeek == (DayOfWeek.Monday | DayOfWeek.Tuesday | DayOfWeek.Wednesday | DayOfWeek.Thursday | DayOfWeek.Friday))
            weekdays.Add(new DateTime(basedt.Year, basedt.Month, basedt.Day));
        basedt = basedt.AddDays(1);
    return weekdays;

Then you can get whatever info out of each DateTime you need.

于 2012-10-15T20:57:09.080 回答