我正在寻找调试 XAML 错误的一般做法/方法。通常 C# 错误很容易查找并且足够具体以查找相关信息。但是,XAML 似乎只是抛出一个通用XAML Parsing failed错误:




3 回答 3


这是我用来在不清楚时识别导致 XAML 错误的文件的一种简洁方法......

用资源字典一一打开所有 XAML 文件,在打开的根元素后添加一个空格。再次在调试器中运行,直到出现故障点,当行号增加一时,您已找到该文件。



于 2012-10-20T18:59:02.230 回答

Note: I plan on expanding this as I move along and learn more. If you would like to contribute to this answer, I will change this to CW and in the mean time feel free to make any changes you seem fit

Smaller changes == Smaller scoped errors

In general, just as @DenDelimarsky has stated, making small changes and running/debugging the code is a good start. That will, most of the time, narrow down the scope of the error to just the areas that you've been working in.

However here are a few other tips that you can use to narrow down the issues:

Search for the Class:

Your specific message for exception e states this:

Failed to assign to property 'Windows.UI.XAML.ResourceDictionary.Source' (emphasis added)

This means that the class ResourceDicionary is having complications assigning the property Source. Perform a search first within the scope of the files you've edited and then, if no errors are found, within the entire solution for this class and look for any errors that may be present.

于 2012-10-15T21:00:30.910 回答

实际上,您所看到的是处理 XAML 错误的正常方法。不仅如此,您实际上还看到了 StandardStyles 之外的问题。此外,如果您遵循常规调试实践并在修改 XAML 后经常进行调试,通常很容易缩小问题范围。

于 2012-10-15T20:16:23.137 回答