% Set up initial parameters
pi = 3.14; % Make a variable called pi, and set it equal to 3.14
A = 1985; % Set the amplitude (A) equal to 5
f = 7/3; % Set the frequency (f) equal to 10
p = pi/9; % Set the phase (p) equal to 0
% Create a time axis
dt = 0.1; % Set the time step to be relatively small
t = [0 : dt : 2.*pi]; % Create a list of time points from 0 thrugh 2*pi in steps of dt
% Calculate the sine wave
y = A.*sin(f.*t+p);
% Graphical Display
xlabel('Time, sec', 'fontsize', 6)
ylabel ('Amplitude', 'fontsize', 6)
strA = msprintf('%1.1f', A);
strf = msprintf('%1.1f', f);
strp = msprintf('%1.1f', p);
titlestr = 'y = ' + strA +' .* sin( ' + strf + ' .* t + ' + strp + ')'
title(titlestr, 'fontsize', 6)