1) We are a team of six beginners trying Git and Github for the first time.
2) We created a repo on Github and then all of us cloned it.
3) We then each made our own local feature branches and started working on our first features.
4) Now we have discovered a workflow that uses TWO permanent branches ("master" and "develop") and an arbitrary number of feature branches that come off of "develop" (and go back to it when they are done).
A) What is the best way to get Github and team repos from the current state of affairs ("master") to what we want ("master" and "develop")?
B) What tracking should each member of the team setup? I.e., we are all interested in staying current with "develop" on Github so we can rebase our feature branches often, for example.
Thanks and sorry if this is a "dumb" question. I feel like the answer is staring me in the face, but I don't have the confidence and would like some help from an experienced Git user, ideally one who uses a workflow similar to what I am taking about. Thanks.