I am using Spring 3.1.

I am trying to display an ArrayList of objects in a Spring Form within a JSP. Eventually I need to have a checkbox for each object so that the user may select a row and then press a button for some back-end action. But I can't get the data to display using a Spring form. I keep receiving an exception:

org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyExcep tion: Invalid property 'datafeed[0]' of bean class [java.util.ArrayList]: Bean property 'datafeeds[0]' is not readable or has an invalid getter method: .... "

Here is the scaled down code:

<form:form method="post" commandName="datafeeds">
        <c:forEach items="${datafeeds}" var="datafeed" varStatus="vs">
              <td><form:label path="datafeeds[${vs.index}].name/></td>
              <td><form:label path="datafeeds[${vs.index}].state/></td>

Then the Controller:

public class DataFeedController
   SomeService service;

   public String showDataFeed(Model m) {
      List<DataFeed> datafeeds = service.list();
      m.addAttribute("datafeeds", datafeeds);
      return "datafeed";

Specifically I guess my question is how does commandName, the variables in the forEach loop and the data from the Controller all work together? Can anybody show me using the above code?


2 回答 2


datafeeds是一个ArrayList。您使用 访问元素datafeeds.get(index),而不是使用[index]。使用方括号仅适用于数组。像这样做:

<c:forEach items="${datafeeds}" var="datafeed" varStatus="vs">
      <td><form:label path="${datafeed.name}"/></td>
      <td><form:label path="${datafeed.state}"/></td>
于 2012-10-15T12:00:31.283 回答


public class DataFeedForm {
    private List<DataFeed> dataFeeds;

    public List<DataFeed> getDataFeeds() {
        return dataFeeds;

    public void setDataFeeds(List<DataFeed> dataFeeds) {
        this.dataFeeds = dataFeeds;


public class DataFeedController
   SomeService service;

   public String showDataFeed(Model m) {
      List<DataFeed> datafeeds = service.list();
      DataFeedForm form = new DataFeedForm();
      m.addAttribute("datafeedsForm", form);
      return "datafeed";


<form:form method="post" modelAttribute="datafeedsForm" commandName="datafeeds">
        <c:forEach items="${datafeedsForm.datafeeds}" var="datafeed" varStatus="vs">
              <td><form:label path="datafeeds[${vs.index}].name"/></td>
              <td><form:label path="datafeeds[${vs.index}].state"/></td>
于 2015-05-02T11:45:46.970 回答