我正在尝试以下 yacc 代码并且我收到 shift/reduce 错误。我对此很陌生
The Purpose of the code is to prepare the syntax for if - else with logical operators also incorporated
int syntax_status=0;
%token IF ELS id EE LE GE closep openp num openb closeb SP logicop
%start S
S : S SP IF SP openp SP EXP SP closep SP openb SP closeb SP ELS SP openb SP closeb SP {syntax_status=1;}
| S SP IF SP openp SP EXP SP closep SP openb SP closeb SP {syntax_status = 1;}
EXP : EXP CMP logicop CMP
CMP : CMP id EE id
| CMP id LE id
| CMP id GE id
| CMP id EE num
| CMP id GE num
| CMP id LE num
| CMP num EE id
| CMP num GE id
| CMP num LE id
int main()
printf("\n\n\n Enter the Syntax : ");
printf("\n\n\n The Syntax is Correct ");
printf("\n\n\n The Syntax is Imcorrect");
return 0;
yyerror(char *s)
此相应 yacc 代码的 Lex 程序如下:
IF (if)
ELS (else)
iden [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
num [0-9]+
space [ ]*
{IF} { return IF; }
{ELS} {return ELSE;}
{iden} {return id;}
(==) {return EE;}
(<=) { return LE;}
(>=) { return GE;}
")" { return closep;}
"(" { return openp;}
{num} { return num;}
{space} { return SP; }
"{" { return openb;}
"}" { return closeb;}
"||"|"&&"|"!=" {return logicop;}