Even though the YouTube app is now not a built-in app by Apple, it looks like when tapping a youtube link (in mail, for example), which starts with http://www.youtube.com, opens the YouTube app right away.

Is there a way to this for custom apps in iOS 6? I only know of custom schemes as the way to launch an app via URL.

The best solution i came across is in this post = >

Is it possible to register a http+domain-based URL Scheme for iPhone apps, like YouTube and Maps?

But this is not as good as youtube integration. Requires user interaction via a confirm dialog etc. I wonder if IOS treats youtube links special and custom apps won't be able to use it?


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既然您在谈论 iOS6,那么我认为这回答了您的问题: Promoting Apps with Smart App Banners

于 2012-10-31T09:46:35.707 回答