int main()
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
int numReq, fileSize;
string lang, dash;
char fileName[40];
char confirm[10];
char confirm2[10];
int character;
char year[3];
char month[1];
char day[1];
char hour[1];
cout << "What file to process?" << endl;
cin >> fileName;
year[0] = fileName[14];
year[1] = fileName[15];
year[2] = fileName[16];
year[3] = fileName[17];
cout << "year = " << year << "." << endl;
month[0] = fileName[18];
month[1] = fileName[19];
cout << "month = " << month << "." << endl;
cout << "so I gotta know, what is..." << endl;
cout << "month[0]? " << month[0] << endl;
cout << "month[1]? " << month[1] << endl;
cout << "month[2]? " << month[2] << endl;
cout << "month[3]? " << month[3] << endl;
cout << "month[4]? " << month[4] << endl;
cout << "month[5]? " << month[5] << endl;
cout << "month[6]? " << month[6] << endl;
day[0] = fileName[20];
day[1] = fileName[21];
cout << "day = " << day << "." << endl;
hour[0] = fileName[23];
hour[1] = fileName[24];
cout << "hour = " << hour << "." << endl;
cout << "so, 'fileName[23]' is = " << fileName[23] << "?" << endl;
cin >> confirm;
cout << "So, the year is " << year << ", the month is " << month
<< ", the day is " << day << ", the hour is " << hour << "?" << endl;
cin >> confirm;
//cout << "Is this what you chose? " << fileName << endl;
//cin >> confirm;
//cout << "Which character to manipulate?" << endl;
//cin >> character;
//cout << "This one? " << fileName[character] << endl;
//cin >> confirm2;
assert (!inFile.fail());
outFile << fixed << showpoint; // I have no idea what this is...
outFile << setprecision(2); // .. or this for that matter.
cout << "Processing data" << endl;
inFile >> lang;
while (!inFile.eof() ){
if (lang.length() <= 2){
outFile << lang << " ";
// I should keep in mind, that, for whatever reason, it seemed like the
//item 'setw(6)' made the program work when I put it in, but didn't seem
//to make the program stop working when I took it out. Curious..
inFile >> dash >> numReq >> fileSize;
outFile << numReq << " " << fileSize << endl;
inFile >> dash >> numReq >> fileSize;
cout << "took out " << lang << " " << numReq << " " << fileSize << endl;
inFile >> lang;
return 0;
What file to process?
year = 2009.
month = 01009.
so I gotta know, what is...
month[0]? 0
month[1]? 1
month[2]? 0
month[3]? 0
month[4]? 9
day = 011009.
hour = 0111009.
so, 'fileName[23]' is = 0?
So, the year is 1009, the month is 11009, the day is 111009, the hour is 0111009?