我正在使用的滑块是这个: http: //www.stunicholls.com/gallery/jquery-slide-anything.html
它在普通的 html 上工作正常,但是当我把它加载到 ajax 加载的内容上时,它不再工作了,我该如何修复它?
/* just one variable to set-up */
speed = 600;
tabColor = '#069';
tabCurrent = '#09c';
/* setting the initial state of the slideshow and first image */
var picVar = $('.iStu12 li.images div.slide div.slidePanel');
totPic = picVar.length;
curPicWidth = picVar.eq(0).width();
curPicHeight = 480;
totWidth = 0;
/* calculate the total width of the images and set the div.slide to match */
$.each((picVar), function() {
$('.iStu12 li.caption').append('<b>'+caption+'</b>');
totWidth = totWidth+$(this).width();
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').width(totWidth);
var captionVar = $('.iStu12 li.caption b');
tabSet ()
/* resize the containing elements, left/right arrow positions and add the first image caption */
/* monitor 'next' clicks */
$('.iStu12 li.next').click (function() {
picVar = $('.iStu12 li.images div.slide div.slidePanel');
/* animate the line of images left one photo - then remove the first image from set, make it the last image then finally move the set to absolute position left:0 */
curPicWidth = picVar.eq(0).width();
curPicHeight = 480;
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').animate({left:-curPicWidth}, speed,
function() {
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').find('div.slidePanel:first').remove().appendTo('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide');
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').css('left','0px');
/* get the width, height and alt for the currently displayed image */
curPicWidth = picVar.eq(1).width();
curPicHeight = 480;
/* animate the containing elements and left/right arrow positions to match the current image */
if(current==totPic) {current=0;}
tabSet ()
/* monitor 'previous' clicks */
$('.iStu12 li.prev').click (function() {
/* get the last image from the set and make it the fist image, then set the left position of the set to minus the width of the new first image */
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').find('div.slidePanel:last').remove().prependTo('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide');
picVar = $('.iStu12 li.images div.slide div.slidePanel');
curPicWidth = picVar.eq(0).width();
curPicHeight = 480;
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').css('left',-curPicWidth);
/* animate the first image to left = 0 */
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').animate({left:0}, speed);
/* animate the containing elements, left/right arrow positions to match the current image and change the caption */
if(current==-1) {current=totPic-1;}
tabSet ()
/* tab clicking routine */
$('.iStu12 li.caption b').click (function() {
clicked = $(this).index()
/* if to the right of the current tab then slide left */
if (clicked>current) {
picVar = $('.iStu12 li.images div.slide div.slidePanel');
curPicWidth = 0;
for (var i=0; i<rotate; i++) {
curPicWidth = curPicWidth+picVar.eq(i).width();
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').animate({left:-curPicWidth},{queue:false, duration:speed,
complete: function() {
for (var n=0; n<rotate; n++) {
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').find('div.slidePanel:first').remove().appendTo('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide');
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').css('left','0px');
/* get the width, height and alt for the currently displayed image */
curPicWidth = picVar.eq(rotate).width();
curPicHeight = picVar.eq(rotate).height();
/* animate the containing elements and left/right arrow positions to match the current image */
tabSet ()
/* if to the left of the current tab then slide right */
if (clicked<current) {
picVar = $('.iStu12 li.images div.slide div.slidePanel');
curPicWidth = 0;
for (var i=0; i<rotate; i++) {
curPicWidth = curPicWidth+picVar.eq(totPic-1).width();
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').find('div.slidePanel:last').remove().prependTo('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide');
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').css({left:-curPicWidth,
complete: function() {
/* animate the first image to left = 0 */
$('ul.iStu12 li.images div.slide').animate({left:0}, speed);
/* get the width, height and alt for the currently displayed image */
picVar = $('.iStu12 li.images div.slide div.slidePanel');
curPicWidth = picVar.eq(0).width();
curPicHeight = 480;
/* animate the containing elements and left/right arrow positions to match the current image */
tabSet ()
$('.iStu12 li.caption b').mouseover (function() {
if ($(this).index()!==current) {
if ($(this).index()!==current) {
function tabSet () {
/* resize the containing elements, the left/right arrow positions and update the caption */
function resize (w,h) {
$('.iStu12').animate({width:w, height:h},speed);
$('.iStu12 li.images').animate({width:w, height:h},speed);
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/loader.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/stu12.js"></script>
这是 loader.js 的内容:
// load home when the page loads
$("#content").load("home.html", function(){
// load artworks page
$("#artworks > a").click(function(){
$("#content").load("artworks.html", function(){
// load projects page
$("#artworks ul li a").click(function(){
$("#content").load("project.html", function(){
// load single project page
$("#project_page").live("click", function(){
$("#content").load("project.html", function(){
// load single project page
$("#project_slider").live("click", function(){
$("#content").load("project_inside.html", function(){
// back to projects page
$(".back").live("click", function(){
$("#content").load("project.html", function(){
// load prensa page
$("#content").load("prensa.html", function(){
// load contacto page
$("#content").load("contacto.html", function(){
// active menu item
$(function() {
$('#menu li').click(function() {
$('#menu li').each(function() {
/* Menu dropdown */
// Add class of drop if item has sub-menu
// Left Sidebar Main Navigation
var menu_ul = $('.menu > li.drop > ul'),
menu_a = $('.menu > li.drop > a');
menu_a.click(function(e) {
if(!$(this).hasClass('active')) {
} else {