我在 mysqli 中收到两个错误:
警告:mysqli_stmt::execute(): (HY000/2014): 命令不同步;您现在无法在 /.../ 第 235 240 行运行此命令:
命令不同步;您现在无法运行此命令 致命错误:无法在第 241 行的 /.../ 中中断/继续 2 个级别
//connect to db
$optionquery = "SELECT OptionId FROM Option_Table WHERE (OptionType = ?)";
if (!$optionstmt = $mysqli->prepare($optionquery)) {
// Handle errors with prepare operation here
echo __LINE__.': '.$mysqli->error;
$replyquery = "SELECT ReplyId FROM Reply WHERE (ReplyType = ?)";
if (!$replystmt = $mysqli->prepare($replyquery)) {
// Handle errors with prepare operation here
echo __LINE__.': '.$mysqli->error;
// Prepare your statements ahead of time
$questionsql = "INSERT INTO Question (SessionId, QuestionId, QuestionContent, NoofAnswers, ReplyId, QuestionMarks, OptionId)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
if (!$insert = $mysqli->prepare($questionsql)) {
// Handle errors with prepare operation here
echo __LINE__.': '.$mysqli->error;
$answersql = "INSERT INTO Answer (SessionId, QuestionId, Answer)
VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
if (!$insertanswer = $mysqli->prepare($answersql)) {
// Handle errors with prepare operation here
echo __LINE__.': '.$mysqli->error;
//make sure both prepared statements succeeded before proceeding
if( $insert && $insertanswer)
$sessid = $_SESSION['id'] . ($_SESSION['initial_count'] > 1 ? $_SESSION['sessionCount'] : '');
$c = count($_POST['numQuestion']);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++ )
$selected_option = "A-C";
$selected_reply = "Single";
// Bind parameter for statement
$optionstmt->bind_param("s", $selected_option);
// Execute the statement
if ($optionstmt->errno)
// Handle query error here
echo __LINE__.': '.$optionstmt->error;
break 1;
// This is what matters. With MySQLi you have to bind result fields to
// variables before calling fetch()
// This populates $optionid
// Bind parameter for statement
$replystmt->bind_param("s", $selected_reply);
// Execute the statement
if ($replystmt->errno)
// Handle query error here
echo __LINE__.': '.$replystmt->error;
break 2;
// This is what matters. With MySQLi you have to bind result fields to
// variables before calling fetch()
// This populates $optionid
$results = $_POST['value'];
foreach($results as $id => $value)
$answer = $value;
$insert->bind_param("sisiiii", $sessid, $id, $_POST['questionText'][$i],
$_POST['numberAnswer'][$i], $replyid, $_POST['textWeight'][$i],
if ($insert->errno)
// Handle query error here
echo __LINE__.': '.$insert->error;
break 3;
$lastID = $insert->insert_id;
foreach($value as $answer)
$insertanswer->bind_param("sis", $sessid, $lastID, $answer);
if ($insertanswer->errno) {
// Handle query error here
echo __LINE__.': '.$insertanswer->error;
break 4;
//close your statements at the end