现在这里是循环锦标赛的实现。如果我们有奇数队,我们必须插入一个虚拟队,否则会有一个没有对手的球队。由于轮数为偶数,总轮数为 (NumberOfTeams-1)。一开始我们设置了第一轮:
所以,团队 A - H,团队 B - G,等等。
从现在开始,我们保持一个团队不变,例如 A。然后我们将 A_Side 团队从第二个位置移到右侧。最后一支队伍将进入位置 2。(ABCDEFGH 将是 AHBCDEFG)。请参阅 rotate_A_side() 递归方法(只是为了好玩)。
B_Sides 的一半向左移动。这将使 HGFED - GFE D.
由于球队选择是对称的(A 与 H 比赛,然后 H 与 A 比赛),B_Side 的上半部分是 A_Side 低部分球队的反向副本。因此,DCBA 将是 CBHA)。请参阅旋转_B_side()。
这是实现算法的 ac# 类:
class Teams
private int[] A_Side;
private int[] B_Side;
public int[,] PlayingCounter;
public int RoundCounter = 1;
public bool DummyTeam = false; // ODD number of teams -> one team will no be able to play.
public bool NextRoundExists
return (RoundCounter < B_Side.Length-1);
public Teams(int NumberOfTeams)
if (NumberOfTeams % 2 != 0)
NumberOfTeams++; DummyTeam = true;
A_Side = new int[NumberOfTeams];
B_Side = new int[NumberOfTeams];
PlayingCounter = new int[NumberOfTeams,NumberOfTeams]; // Counting to see if alg is correct
int x,y;
for (x=0; x<NumberOfTeams; x++)
A_Side[x] = x + 1;
for (y=0;y<NumberOfTeams;y++)
PlayingCounter[x,y] = 0;
private void rotate_A_Side(int AtPos)
if (AtPos == 1)
int iO = A_Side[A_Side.Length - 1];
A_Side[1] = iO;
if (AtPos < A_Side.Length - 1) { rotate_A_Side(AtPos + 1); }
A_Side[AtPos] = A_Side[AtPos - 1];
public void rotate_B_Side()
int i;
for (i = 0; i<B_Side.Length/2 ; i++)
B_Side[i] = B_Side[i + 1];
for (i = B_Side.Length / 2; i < B_Side.Length; i++)
B_Side[i] = A_Side[B_Side.Length/2 - (i -B_Side.Length/2 + 1) ];
public bool NextRound()
if (NextRoundExists)
RoundCounter++; // Next round
rotate_A_Side(1); // A side rotation
rotate_B_Side(); // B side rotation
LogRound(); // Update counters
return true;
else return false;
public void LogRound()
for (int x = 0; x < A_Side.Length; x++)
PlayingCounter[A_Side[x]-1, B_Side[x]-1]++;
PlayingCounter[B_Side[x]-1, A_Side[x]-1]++;
public string GetCounters()
string return_value = "";
for (int y = 0; y < A_Side.Length; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < A_Side.Length; x++)
return_value += String.Format(" {0:D3}", PlayingCounter[y, x]);
return_value += System.Environment.NewLine;
return return_value;
public string GetCurrentRound()
string Round = "Round #" + RoundCounter.ToString() + " ";
for (int x = 0; x < B_Side.Length; x++)
Round += String.Format("Team {0} - Team {1};", A_Side[x], B_Side[x]);
return Round;
Teams Rounds = new Teams(22);
if (Rounds.DummyTeam) {
// Anything to do if nober of teams is odd?
Rounds.LogRound(); // DEBUG - you can check number of matches ;-)
while (Rounds.NextRoundExists) // While we have next round...
Rounds.NextRound(); // ... generate the next
// round (team assignment)
// Your can tack using: Rounds.GetCurrentRound()
// If you want to see the number of matches, call Rounds.GetCounters();
第一轮自动对焦;是 ; 光盘;直流; 乙; F A ;
第2轮AE;FD; 卑诗省; CB; 东风; 艺电;
第 3 轮 AD ; 欧共体;脸书;高炉; 行政长官; 大;
第四轮交流;D B ; 英孚;铁; BD ; 加利福尼亚州;
第 5 轮 AB ; CF; 德; 教育署;光纤通道;巴;
我用 A 替换了 Team 1,等等。
rotate_B_Side() 应该细化,这是一种快速的方法。