


    XDocument dane = XDocument.Load("gpw.xml");
    List<pozycjeGpw> listaGpw = new List<pozycjeGpw>();

    private void listBox1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        listaGpw = (from item in dane.Descendants("pozycja")
                    select new pozycjeGpw()
                        nazwa_notowania = (item.Element("nazwa_notowania").Value),
                        biezacy = (item.Element("biezacy").Value),
                        zmiana = (item.Element("zmiana").Value),
                        zmiana2 = (item.Element("zmiana2").Value),
                        otwarcie = (item.Element("otwarci").Value),
                        max = (item.Element("max").Value),
                        min = (item.Element("min").Value),
        listaGpw.Insert(0, new pozycjeGpw() { nazwa_notowania = "", biezacy = "", zmiana = "", zmiana2 = "", otwarcie = "", max = "", min = "" });


2 回答 2


I'm not entirely sure what you want to do but from your comments it appears that you have an xml file and you want to display it in a WPF application. To do this you can use XMLDataProvider and HierarchicalDataTemplates / DataTemplates. Here is a short tutorial on how to do it: http://dotnet-experience.blogspot.com/2011/11/wpf-working-with-xml-and.html

于 2012-10-13T20:57:46.703 回答


WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
String result = webClient.DownloadString(yourUrlOfTheXmlFile);
textBox.Text = result;

在带有名为 textBox 的 TextBox 的表单中执行此操作应在屏幕上显示下载的 xml 文件。

如果要从系统上的文件加载此 XML,也可以使用以下命令:

String result = File.ReadAllText(pathOfYourXmlFile);
textBox.Text = result;
于 2012-10-13T19:35:52.407 回答