In a Multi-layer project with Domain layer (DL)/Business (Service) Layer (BL)/Presentation Layer (PL), what is the best approach to deliver Entities to the Presentation Layer?
DO => Domain Object;
DTO = Domain Transfer Object;
VM => View Model;
V => View;
Option 1:
DL => DO => BL => DTO => PL => VM => V
This option seems to be the Best Practice but also seems heavy to mantain.
Option 2:
DL => DO => BL => DTO => PL => V
This option seems not very good practice but as DTO are almost identical to the VM, we can pass it directly to the View and it's less painfull to implement and mantain.
Is this option also reliable for multiple layouts, for example, for Mobile Devices I may need less information from the BL, so I will need a diferent VM for this particular Layout?