我想将 1000000 个文档插入 RavenDB。
class Program
private static string serverName;
private static string databaseName;
private static DocumentStore documentstore;
private static IDocumentSession _session;
static void Main(string[] args)
serverName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServerName"];
databaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Database"];
documentstore = new DocumentStore { Url = serverName };
Console.WriteLine("Initial Databse...");
_session = documentstore.OpenSession(databaseName);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
var person = new Person()
Fname = "Meysam" + i,
Lname = " Savameri" + i,
Bdate = DateTime.Now,
Salary = 6001 + i,
Address = "BITS provides one foreground and three background priority levels that" +
"you can use to prioritize transBfer jobs. Higher priority jobs preempt"+
"lower priority jobs. Jobs at the same priority level share transfer time,"+
"which prevents a large job from blocking small jobs in the transfer"+
"queue. Lower priority jobs do not receive transfer time until all the "+
"higher priority jobs are complete or in an error state. Background"+
"transfers are optimal because BITS uses idle network bandwidth to"+
"transfer the files. BITS increases or decreases the rate at which files "+
"are transferred based on the amount of idle network bandwidth that is"+
"available. If a network application begins to consume more bandwidth,"+
"BITS decreases its transfer rate to preserve the user's interactive"+
"experience. BITS supports multiple foreground jobs and one background"+
"transfer job at the same time.",
Email = "Meysam" + i + "@hotmail.com",
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine("Count:" + i);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
mscorlib.dll 中出现“System.OutOfMemoryException”类型的未处理异常