We are aware of premailer which converts styling into inline css and also changes relative urls to absolute urls. There is an online version of it premailer.dialect.ca which provides the same.

I need to use this functionality ie given any url, I need to convert it into premailed version. However I may have to use this may be thousands of times a day and hence I cant use premailer.dialect.ca api. There is a python-premailer which does the same but I couldnt find any documentation for converting html from given url to premailed version.

How can I achieve this using premailer.py or phantom.js or any other solution? Am I missing some thing? I assume it must take lot of time to write it from scratch.


1 回答 1


dialectica.ca 为这种 premailer 操作提供了一个 API。它将任何 html 页面..提供的 url 转换为基于内联 css 的 html 页面。

于 2013-03-08T10:10:32.663 回答