

  • 用户故事
  • 漏洞
  • 增强


  • 高的
  • 中等的
  • 低的


DDD 指出,如果聚合根中存在某些内容,则不应尝试在聚合根之外访问它。因此,如果我希望能够添加新的 WorkItemType(如 Task)或新的 Priorities(如 Critical),这些查找值是否需要与它们自己的存储库聚合根?这似乎有点矫枉过正,特别是如果它们只是一个键值对。我应该如何允许用户修改这些值并仍然遵守聚合根封装规则?


4 回答 4


While the repository pattern as described in the blue book does emphasize its use being exclusive to aggregates, it does leave room open for exceptions. To quote the book:

Although most queries return an object or a collection of objects, it also fits within the concept to return some types of summary calculations, such as an object count, or a sum of a numerical attribute that was intended by the model to be tallied. (pg. 152)

This states that a repository can be used to return summary information, which is not an aggregate. This idea extends to using a repository to look up value objects, just as your use case requires.

Another thing to consider is the read-model pattern which essentially allows for a query-only type of repository which effectively decouples the behavior-rich domain model from query concerns.

于 2012-10-13T17:43:50.370 回答

Landon,我认为唯一的方法是让这些值对聚合根。我知道这可能看起来有点矫枉过正,但这是 DDD 将事物分解为小组件。


  • 用户需要能够独立于工作项添加这些值对。
  • 值对没有本地唯一标识

请记住,DDD 只是一套指导方针,而不是硬道理。如果您认为这太过分了,您可能想要创建一个查找,将这些对作为值对象返回。如果您没有在应用程序中添加值对而是通过数据库添加值对的功能,这可能会特别有效。


于 2012-10-13T08:09:52.230 回答

Not everything should be modeled using DDD. The complexity of managing the reference data most likely wouldn't justify creating aggregate roots. A common solution would be to use CRUD to manage reference data, and have a Domain Service to interface with that data from the domain.

于 2012-10-13T09:03:12.107 回答

Do these lookups have ID's ? If not, you could consider making them Value Objects...

于 2012-10-15T10:26:16.247 回答