我正在编写一堆宏来处理 MASM 中的大数字,我发现自己需要将一系列数字转换为数字。基本上,为了绕过 MASM 大小限制,我一直将 bignums 作为字符串传递。所以,一个 bignum 调用看起来像:

MOV_BIG_NUM [eax], <1234567891011121314151617181920212223>

我有一个实现,可以处理(据我所知)以 2 的幂的基数传递的字符串。也就是说,调用如下:

MOV_BIG_NUM [eax], <1001101111010101101011110101000011101b> ;Base 2
MOV_BIG_NUM [eax], <0123456710121314151617202122232425262o> ;Base 8
MOV_BIG_NUM [eax], <123456789ABCDEF101112131415161718191Ah> ;Base 16

会处理好的。但是,我使用的方法不能很好地(或根本不能)转换为不是 2 的幂的基数。当然,其中最重要的是十进制,但我很想得到一个具有任意基数的方法。我一直在使用 2 的幂的方法是按顺序访问字节,必要时移动数字,or然后用现有数字按位。所以我的十六进制数字方法看起来像这样(这是一个高度简化的版本):

;foreach digit in list of digits
  ;eax contains the start of memory for the bignum
  IF bit_offset EQ 0 ;Only move a new value in when the offset has just changed
    mov ebx, dword ptr [eax + byte_offset] ;Get the current value at the dword's offset

  digit = digit SHL bit_offset ;Shift the digit by a certain offset, so that we can store multiple digits in one byte

  or ebx, digit

  bit_offset = bit_offset + 4

  IF bit_offset EQ ( 32 ) ;Number of bits in a dword
    mov dword ptr [eax + byte_offset], ebx ;Move the dword back
    byte_offset = byte_offset + 4 ;Number of bytes in a dword
    bit_offset = 0;
;end foreach



1 回答 1


您可以执行 10 的算术乘法和十六进制字符串的数字相加。从那里你可以组成十进制到十六进制的字符串转换。

C 中的插图:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef unsigned uint;

int chhex2val(char ch)
  if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
    return ch - '0';
  if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
    return ch - 'A' + 10;
  if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
    return ch - 'a' + 10;
  return 0;

char val2chhex(int v)
  if (v >= 0 && v < 16)
    return "0123456789ABCDEF"[v];
  return '0';

// Multiplies a hex string like "17F" by 10 and
// returns a string with the product (e.g. "0EF6").
// The original string isn't modified.
char* mulh10(char* h)
  size_t l = strlen(h);
  char* p = malloc(l + 1 + 1);
  size_t i;
  uint c = 0;

  if (p == NULL)

  p[l + 1] = '\0';
  for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
    c += chhex2val(h[l - 1 - i]) * 10;
    p[l - i] = val2chhex(c % 16);
    c /= 16;
  p[0] = val2chhex(c);

  return p;

// Adds (arithmetically) to a hex string like "17F" a hex/dec digit, e.g. '9'.
// Returns the modified original string (e.g. "188").
char* addhd(char* h, char d)
  size_t l = strlen(h);
  size_t i;
  uint c = chhex2val(d);

  for (i = 0; c && i < l; i++)
    c += chhex2val(h[l - 1 - i]);
    h[l - 1 - i] = val2chhex(c % 16);
    c /= 16;

  return h;

int main(void)
  char num[] = "17F";
  printf("\"17F\" (hex) * 10 = \"%s\" (hex)\n", mulh10(num));
  printf("\"17F\" (hex) + '9' = \"%s\" (hex)\n", addhd(num, '9'));
  printf("\"65535\" (dec) = \"%s\" (hex)\n",
         "0"), '6')), '5')), '5')), '3')), '5'));
  return 0;


"17F" (hex) * 10 = "0EF6" (hex)
"17F" (hex) + '9' = "188" (hex)
"65535" (dec) = "00FFFF" (hex)
于 2012-10-13T05:55:37.170 回答