我的问题就像标题中所说的那样。如何使用 IF 语句在数组中查找内容的字符串长度,然后使其显示在富文本框中,左侧对齐?


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Convert

Public Class frmAll
    'Declare Streamreader
    Private objReader As StreamReader

    'Declare arrays to hold the information
    Private strNumber(24) As String
    Private strName(24) As String
    Private strSize(24) As String
    Private decCost(24) As Integer

    Private Sub frmAll_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'Set objReader
        objReader = New StreamReader("products.csv")
        'Call the FillArray sub to fill the array
        Call FillArray()
    End Sub

    Private Sub FillArray()
        'Declare variables and arrays
        Dim decCost(24, 1) As Decimal
        Dim strFields() As String
        Dim strRec As String
        Dim intCount As Integer = 0
        Dim chrdelim As Char = ToChar(",")
        'Set strRec to read the lines
        strRec = objReader.ReadLine

        'Do while loop to fill array.
        Do While strRec <> Nothing
            strFields = strRec.Split(chrdelim)
            strNumber(intCount) = strFields(0)
            strName(intCount) = strFields(1)
            strSize(intCount) = strFields(2)
            decCost(intCount, 0) = ToDecimal(strFields(3))
            decCost(intCount, 1) = ToDecimal(strFields(4))
            'Set strRec to read the lines again
            strRec = objReader.ReadLine
            'increment the index
            intCount += 1
        'Call the Calculate sub for calculation
        Call Calculate(decCost)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Calculate(ByVal numIn(,) As Decimal)
        'Define arrays to hold total cost
        Dim decRowTotal(24) As Decimal

        'Define variables to hold the counters for rows and columns
        Dim intR As Integer
        Dim intC As Integer

        'Calcualte total cost
        For intC = 0 To 1
            For intR = 0 To 24
                decRowTotal(intR) += numIn(intR, intC) * 1
        'Call the Output sub to configure the output.
        Call Output(numIn, decRowTotal)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Output(ByVal NumIn(,) As Decimal, _
                       ByVal RowTotalIn() As Decimal)
        Dim strOut As String

        Dim intR As Integer = 0
        Dim intC As Integer = 0
        'Set header for output.
        strOut = "ID" & vbTab & "Item" & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Size" & _
            vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Total Price" & _
            vbCrLf & "---------- ... -------------------------" & vbCrLf

        'For loop to add each line to strOut, setting
        'the RowTotalIn to currency.
        For intC = 0 To 24
            strOut &= strNumber(intC) & vbTab
            strOut &= strName(intC) & vbTab
            strOut &= strSize(intC) & vbTab
            strOut &= RowTotalIn(intC).ToString("c") & vbCrLf
        'Add strOut to rbtAll
        rtbAll.Text = strOut
    End Sub
End Class


P0001 咖啡 - 哥伦比亚 Supreme 24/箱:预磨粉 1.75 盎司袋装 16.50 美元

P0002 咖啡 - 榛子 24/箱:预磨粉 1.75 盎司袋装 $24.00

P0003 咖啡 - 温和混合 24/箱:预磨粉 1.75 盎司袋装 20.50 美元

P0004 咖啡 - 什锦口味 18/箱。Pre-Ground 1.75 盎司袋装 $23.50

P0005 咖啡 - 无咖啡因咖啡 24/箱:预磨粉 1.75 盎司袋装 $20.50

它在我的输出中显示为 vbTabs,但看起来仍然相似,因为它们没有对齐。前两个有,但之后没有,我完全迷路了。


2 回答 2



pixels = System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font)




关于使用制表符格式化文本的说明。具有两列的示例,其中第二列从第 5 个制表符位置开始。

Column #1                               Column #2

------>|------>|------>|------>|------>|Some text
Short->|------>|------>|------>|------>|Some more text
A bit longer-->|------>|------>|------>|Even more text
An even longer text--->|------>|------>|The last one

如您所见,根据第一列中文本的长度,您必须在第二列之前添加不同数量的制表符。在第一行,第一列是空的,在第二行有一个比标签宽度短的文本。在这两种情况下,您都需要插入 5 个选项卡。第 3 行和第 4 行的文本较长,您只需分别插入 4 个和 3 个制表符。


于 2012-10-13T15:45:56.383 回答

好吧,除非您使用固定宽度的字体,否则字符串长度并不相关。如果你是,你想做的是使用 String.PadLeft,而不是字符串的长度。

于 2012-10-13T03:53:08.637 回答