您好,我在 cocos2d 中为 IOS 使用 Urban AirShip 丰富的推送通知。我正在获取丰富通知的收件箱,但我正在以肖像模式获取它。我想以横向模式获取收件箱。
[UAInbox useCustomUI:[UAInboxUI class]];//sample UI implementation
[UAInbox shared].pushHandler.delegate = [UAInboxUI shared];
// If the application gets an UAInbox message id on launch open it up immediately.
// Only works for the default inbox
[UAInboxUI shared].inboxParentController=window_.rootViewController;
[UAInboxPushHandler handleLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
if ([[UAInbox shared].pushHandler hasLaunchMessage]) {
[[[UAInbox shared] uiClass] loadLaunchMessage];
// Create the main window
window_ = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
[UAInbox displayInbox:window_.rootViewController animated:YES];