我正在尝试使用 JAVA 从文件中获取摘要信息,但我找不到任何东西。我试过了org.apache.poi.hpsf.*
File rep = new File("C:\\Cry_ReportERP006.rpt");
/* Read a test document <em>doc</em> into a POI filesystem. */
final POIFSFileSystem poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(rep));
final DirectoryEntry dir = poifs.getRoot();
DocumentEntry dsiEntry = null;
dsiEntry = (DocumentEntry) dir.getEntry(DocumentSummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
* A missing document summary information stream is not an error
* and therefore silently ignored here.
* If there is a document summry information stream, read it from
* the POI filesystem.
if (dsiEntry != null)
final DocumentInputStream dis = new DocumentInputStream(dsiEntry);
final PropertySet ps = new PropertySet(dis);
final DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = new DocumentSummaryInformation(ps);
final SummaryInformation si = new SummaryInformation(ps);
/* Execute the get... methods. */