我正在尝试创建一个数据结构来保存多项式。到目前为止,我已经创建了一个 Node 类来存储数据,如下所示:(系数,指数,链接到下一个节点)虽然我在尝试将两个列表添加在一起时遇到了问题。我的方法在每个列表中添加第一个值,然后终止。
public class Node{
public int data1;
public int data2;
public Node next;
public Node(){
data1 = 0;
data2 = 0;
next = null;
public Node(int d1){
data1 = d1;
data2 = 0;
next = null;
public Node(int d1, Node n){
data1 = d1;
data2 = 0;
next = n;
public Node(int d1, int d2){
data1 = d1;
data2 = d2;
next = null;
public Node(int d1,int d2, Node n){
data1 = d1;
data2 = d2;
next = n;
//Fetch data
public int getData1(){
return data1;
public int getData2(){
return data2;
//store Data
public void setData1(int d){
data1 = d;
public void setData2(int d){
data2 = d;
public void addData1(Node n2){
data1 = data1 + n2.data1;
public Node getNext(){
return next;
//Get data of next node
public int getNextData1(){
return next.data1;
public int getNextData2(){
return next.data2;
//Store Link
public void setNext(Node n){
next = n;
public boolean containsLink(){
if(this.next != null){
return true;
return false;
public static void displayAll(Node head){
for( ; head != null; head = head.next ){
System.out.printf("%d, %d\n", head.data1, head.data2);
public static int numOfNonZeroData1(Node n){
int count = 0;
for( ; n != null ; n = n.next ){
if(n.data1 != 0){
return count;
public static int numOfNonZeroData2(Node n){
int count = 0;
for( ; n != null ; n = n.next ){
if(n.data2 != 0){
return count;
public static int listLength(Node head){
int counter = 0;
for(; head!=null; head = head.next){
return counter;
public static void toPolynomial(Node head){
int order = Node.listLength(head);
int i = 0;
int increment = Node.numOfNonZeroData2(head);
for( ; head != null; head = head.next){
if(head.data2 != 0){
if(i >= 0 && i < order){
System.out.printf("%dx^%d", head.data1, head.data2);
if(i < increment && head.data1 >= 0){
System.out.print("+"); //case integer is positive
}else if(i != increment && head.data1 <= 0){
System.out.println(" "); //case integer is negative
public static Node mergeLists(Node n1, Node n2){
if ( n1 == null)
return n2;
else if ( n2 == null)
return n1;
else {
n1.next = mergeLists( n1.next, n2 ); // Note how we exchange p and q here
return n1;
public static Node addPolynomials(Node n1, Node n2){
for( ; n1 != null; n1 = n1.next){
for(; n2 != null; n2 = n2.next){
if(n1.getData2() == n2.getData2()){
System.out.println("added " + (n1.data1 - n2.data1) + " and " + n2.data1 );
return n1;
public static void subtractPolynomials(Node n1, Node n2){
public static void multiplyPolynomials(Node n1, Node n2){
public class LinkedListsMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Node head;
Node head2;
head = new Node(5, 1, new Node(7, 4, new Node(9 ,5, new Node(12, new Node (15)))));
head2 = new Node(3, 1, new Node(1, 4, new Node(29, 5)));
System.out.println("Length: " + Node.listLength(head));
System.out.println("Length: " + Node.listLength(head2));
//Node.mergeLists(head, head2);
Node.addPolynomials(head, head2);
System.out.println("Add completed");
例如:如果输入是 5x^1+7x^4+9x^5 + 3x^1+1x^4+29x^5
我希望程序输出 8x^1+8x^4+38^5