I hope someone can help. I am missing some logic and styles while I am running the form in JQuery modal window with the 'modal' property is set to 'true'. I am trying to utilize the form from http://jqueryui.com/dialog/#modal-form.
The same code used outside modal window is running correctly. I am not sure how to fix it and decided to share it with you.
I created a page in JSFiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/vladc77/GcQRg/16 to show the code. However, the modal window cannot be ran from there. As a result, I uploaded the same test in here - http://www.vladcdesign.com/modalWindow
When I set (modal: true) then I am getting the following problems.
1.The check boxes in work hours form should enable/disable menus to set the time
2.“More” check box should show/hide a text field
3.I lost ability to set margins between elements in Hours settings form. Now all menus are touching each other even though I use margins styles. They just don’t apply.
All of these issues are present only while I run this DIV in a modal window. It works OK outside the modal window. I am wondering if someone can help and explain what is wrong with the code. Any advice is highly appreciated.