有没有办法修改 RHEL/Apache/PHP 的权限,以便以安全的方式使用 shell 命令调用 SVN - 即。shell_exec()、shell() 还是 system() ?
目前,我在尝试 shell 命令时被拒绝权限。
调用和制造你自己的svn add ...
命令,因为 PECL 有一个稳定的 PHP 扩展 - Subversion。包裹在这里。
这样您就可以轻松访问代码中所有需要的 SVN 功能。
我能够做到这一点的唯一方法是使用 SSH2 库并在特定帐户下本地连接。否则我永远无法正确设置它们。
这不是一个好的图书馆,我有 1 天的时间来测试和搜索文档,所以它绝对不是最好的方法,但至少它可以工作......
* Runs several SSH2 commands on the devl server as root
function ssh2Run(array $commands, $catchoutput = true, $server = 'localhost', $user = 'root', $logfile = NULL){
//Open a log file for web output
if($logfile == NULL){ $logfile = logCreate(); }
//Connect to ssh2
$connection = ssh2_connect($server);
$hostkey = ssh2_fingerprint($connection);
logWrite($logfile, 'Connected to '.$server.', hostkey = '.$hostkey);
ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($connection, $user, '/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', '/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa');
//Execute the various commands and read the output to the log file
foreach($commands as $command){
// Run a command that will probably write to stderr (unless you have a folder named /hom)
logWrite($logfile, 'Sending command: '.$user.'@'.$server.': '.$command);
logWrite($logfile, '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
$outputStream = ssh2_exec($connection, $command, true);
stream_set_blocking($outputStream, true);
$errorStream = ssh2_fetch_stream($outputStream, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR);
// Enable blocking for both streams
stream_set_blocking($errorStream, true);
// Whichever of the two below commands is listed first will receive its appropriate output. The second command receives nothing
logWrite($logfile, 'Output of command:');
//Loop the stream until it is complete
while((is_resource($outputStream) && !feof($outputStream)) || (is_resource($errorStream) && !feof($errorStream))){
//Content read out
if(is_resource($outputStream) && !feof($outputStream)){
$outputContent = trim(fgets($outputStream));
$outputContent = '';
if(is_resource($errorStream) && !feof($errorStream)){
$errorContent = trim(fgets($errorStream));
$errorContent = '';
//Add the information to the log
if($outputContent == '' && $errorContent == ''){ continue; }
if($outputContent !== ''){
logWrite($logfile, 'OUT: '.$outputContent);
if($errorContent !== ''){
logWrite($logfile, 'ERROR: '.$errorContent);
// Close the streams
if(is_resource($errorStream)){ fclose($errorStream); }
if(is_resource($outputStream)){ fclose($outputStream); }
//Return the log
return $logfile;
* List files in a SFTP enabled directory
function sftpList($server, $user, $path){
//Connect to ssh2
$connection = ssh2_connect($server);
$hostkey = ssh2_fingerprint($connection);
ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($connection, $user, '/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', '/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa');
//Create our SFTP resource
if(!$sftp = ssh2_sftp($connection)){
throw new Exception('Unable to create SFTP connection.');
* Now that we have our SFTP resource, we can open a directory resource
* to get us a list of files. Here we will use the $sftp resource in
* our address string as I previously mentioned since our ssh2://
* protocol allows it.
$results = array();
$dirHandle = opendir('ssh2.sftp://'.$sftp.$path);
while (false !== ($result = readdir($dirHandle))) {
if ($result != '.' && $result != '..') {
$results[] = $result;
//Return the log
return $results;