I have a web page that has some links to pdf files that open in a new scrren. If I click one of the links the new page opens fine. If I click on another link while that page is open it replaces the page with the new page which is fine, however it throws a JS erre saying "member not found"
helpMenu.add( new AnchorMenuItem("User Guide", "javascript:openHelpWindow('../html/help/user_guide.html');") );
helpMenu.add( new AnchorMenuItem("FAQ", "javascript:openHelpWindow('../html/help/faq.html');") );
helpMenu.add( new AnchorMenuItem("Features", "javascript:openHelpWindow('../html/help/features.html');") );
helpMenu.add( new AnchorMenuItem("Overview", "javascript:openHelpWindow('../doc/Overview.pdf');") );
helpMenu.add( new AnchorMenuItem("Actual Info Guide", "javascript:openHelpWindow('../doc/ActualInfoGuide.pdf');") );
* Function to open the pop-up windows that the radio button
* or select box options will be chosen from.
function openHelpWindow(url)
var w;
if (isBrowserNetscape)
// Netscape
w = window.open(url, "MSSTHelp", "resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, menubar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, height=700, width=900, screenX=100, screenY=100");
// IE
w = window.open(url, "MSSTHelp", "resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, menubar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, height=700, width=900, left=100, top=100");
The error is at w.focus();