我正在尝试了解有关 PHP 安全最佳实践的更多信息,并且遇到了 password_hash 和 Anthony Ferrara 的password_compat项目。我想我知道如何实现它,但是在测试中,我遇到了一个奇怪的行为,这与我对密码哈希的新手理解相矛盾。
如果我将 password_hash 函数的结果保存到 MySQL 数据库用户记录中,然后使用 password_verify 检索该哈希以进行验证,它会按预期工作。但是,如果我做完全相同的事情,而不是从数据库中提取,我只是通过从数据库中复制/粘贴来硬编码密码哈希,password_verify 函数就会失败。
// Get the Username and password hash from the MySQL database. GetPassTestuser routine returns an array where
// position[0][0] is the username and position[0][1] is the password hash.
$arrUser = GetPassTestuser("mike24");
echo("User Name: ".$arrUser[0][0]."<br/>");
echo("Password hash: ".$arrUser[0][1]."<br/>");
// Run password_verify with the password hash collected from the database. Compare it with the string "mytest"
// (This returns true in my tests).
if (password_verify("mytest",$arrUser[0][1])){
echo("Password verified");
} else {
echo("Password invalid");
echo("<hr>Now On to our second test...<br/>");
// Now run password_verify with a string representation directly copied/pasted from the database. This is
// being compared with "mytest", which in my mind should return a true value. But it doesn't and this test
// fails. Not sure why.
if (password_verify("mytest","$2y$10$S33h20qxHndErOoxJL.sceQtBQXtSWrHieBtFv59jwVwJuGeWwKgm")){ // String shown here is the same as value contained in $arrUser[0][1]
echo("2nd Test Password verified");
} else {
echo("2nd test Password invalid");